Sunday, 27 May 2012



PERDANA Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak hari ini menyampaikan amanat kepada golongan belia agar menolak amalan demonstrasi jalanan kerana ia bukan sebahagian daripada amalan demokrasi dalam negara ini.

"Apa yang kita buat tak lain tak bukan kita amalkan demokrasi berparlimen. Demokrasi bukan demonstrasi jalanan, tendang anggota polis. Itu bukan demokrasi, itu 'demo-crazy'," kata Najib sewaktu merasmikan Hari Belia Negara 2012 di Putrajaya petang kelmarin.

Dalam ucapan sama, Najib turut memuji golongan belia yang hadir pada sambutan itu.

Beliau menyifatkan mereka sebagai belia yang "mencerminkan hari esok yang lebih baik dari hari ini".

"Belia yang beradab, berhemat mulia, belia yang menghormati undang-undang. Inilah belia yang menjamin masa depan negara kita," kata Najib.

Sambutan Hari Belia Kebangsaan yang juga dikenali sebagai Himpunan Jutaan belia disambut sejak 23 Mei lalu dan akan berakhir hari ini 27 Mei.

Bertemakan "Jadikan Hari Esok Lebih Baik Dari Hari Ini", ia dianjurkan Kementerian Belia dan Sukan dengan kerjasama Parlimen Putrajaya.


  1. Setuju dengan PM. Bersih 3.0 adalah contoh tepat untuk 'demo-crazy'.

  2. Belia kena lebih matang dan tidak emosional.

  3. demontrasi jalanan bukan budaya kita, ia bukan cara nak selesaikan isu yang timbul. kena berfikiran lebih rasional dan bijak.

  4. Maka kita tidak sepatutnya menyokong sesuatu perkara yang mendatangkan kemusnahan kepada negara kita.

  5. patut la pembangkang beriya2 mahu ISA dimansuhkan.. supaya mereka boleh melakukan tindakan2 mengancam keselamatan rakyat dan negara..

  6. saya yakin perimpunan Bersih 3.0 tidak memberikan sebarang advantage kepada parti2 pembangkang pada PRU kali ini.. perhimpunan itu hanya menunjukkan sikap mereka yang ganas, tidak matang, tidak profesional dan terdesak mahu mendapatkan jawatan kabinet..

  7. The Kota Marudu MP said that democracy did not mean the society could disregard the law and let lawlessness rule.

  8. He said the government regretted the untoward incidences of violence and unruliness during the Bersih 3.0 gathering in the national capital, especially when the organisers had called the planned gathering a peaceful one.

  9. The government cannot compromise on peace and rule of law otherwise the government is just as guilty as those who decided to turn the gathering into an untoward incident by defying a court order.

  10. He reiterated the Prime Minister’s view that certain quarters had used the gathering to further their own agenda of toppling the democratically-elected government by inciting violence and forcing the illegal occupation of Dataran Merdeka.

  11. The government is committed to preserving a society that is civil, values democracy and respects law and order, said Science, Technology & Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili.

  12. Everybody wants fair elections, the government wants it. So the government initiated the setting up of a parliamentary select committee (PSC) on electoral reform to undertake measures for reformation.

  13. But what is not want is people instigating the public to commit offences towards achieving their own political agenda under the guise of a good cause.

  14. Dr Maximus said PSC members had worked hard for six months to deliberate and gather public views before coming up with 22 recommendations to be undertaken by the relevant parties including the Election Commission.

  15. The PSC, he pointed out, also comprised three Opposition representatives – from DAP, PKR and Pas – who worked hand-in-hand with other Barisan Nasional PSC members to thrash out their concerns and thoughts and come up with the measures.

  16. So it smacks of political agenda when they decided to act like they did not agree with the PSC’s final report and demanded to table their own minority report.

  17. Furthermore, PKR, DAP and Pas proceeded to join the rally which is undermining the PSC’s effort and directly this means rejecting their own views and proposals
