Tuesday, 8 May 2012


MALAYSIAN Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the organisers of the gathering on April 28 would be held responsible should Saudi Arabia prohibit Malaysians from performing the haj and umrah.

He said Saudi Arabian security agencies viewed the gatherings in Mecca and Medina in support of the April 28 demonstration here with grave concern.

"Saudi Arabia is most sensitive to demonstrations or illegal gatherings held there.

"Once, when the people of an Islamic country held demonstrations in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia refused to allow pilgrims from that country to perform the haj and umrah for three years," he said at the launch of a motorcycle convoy in conjunction with the 66th anniversary of Umno in Kuala Lumpur.

"I am most concerned that the organisers did not seem to know the sensitivity Saudi Arabia attaches to demonstrations. Is this the way to demand for change? We have to adhere to the laws of another country.

"I do not think Saudi Arabia will remain silent following the uploading of pictures on YouTube and Facebook.

"We have to bear in mind that their military intelligence is efficient as they often face such situations involving other countries."

Media reports indicate that Saudi Arabian authorities are investigating the gatherings in Mecca and Medina. (Bernama)


  1. perhimpuan bersih tak patut diadakan lagi.

    1. Perhimpunan yang boleh mengwjudkan keganasan dan kerosakan harus diharamkan

    2. memang patut diharamkan dan telahpun diharamkan.. tapi seperti yang kita sedia maklum, pemimpin2 pembangkang memang suka melanggar undang2 atau peraturan.. bila dikenakan tindakan, mereka akan tuduh kerajaan kononnya menyekat kebebasan dan menindas rakyat..

  2. Tidaklah dapat tunaikan haji dan umrah dalam masa 3 tahun.

  3. Siapa yang melakukan perhimpunan BERSIH diArab ini akan diambil tindakkan.

    1. Negara luar mempunyai peraturan dan undang2 yang tersendiri, jadi harus la dipatuhi sekiranya berada di sana.

  4. agaknya inilah salah satu tujuan perhimpunan Bersih dianjurkan.. sebab itu penganjur2 Bersih tanpa segan silu dan tanpa rasa bersalah sanggup menganjurkan demo di beberapa negara luar..
