Wednesday, 16 May 2012


CHECKING…. Edward, Andrew and Stephen checking the fence and gate of the JA Reservoir in Kapayan.

THE DEAD body found in the water storage tank in Tawau recently had caused great concern about the security in our water supply system. The water supply system is the most important utility required by everyone. Therefore the authorities must protect it properly.

The dead body case could be a typical case, and there could be other cases where our water supply can be contaminated in many ways. These could be by way through the reservoirs, pipelines, tanks, treatment plants and pump houses, and even our own house water tanks.

The Kota Kinabalu Member of Parliament Hiew King Cheu who had many years experience  in the water supply industry urges the water department, government agencies, housing estate management and many other agencies should at all times ensure the water supply system are kept under strict and careful watch. This is also to safe-guard the water supply is not being contaminated or polluted. The slight contamination can caused discomfort to the body, or the serious one can cause illness or even death.

The water supply system is spread all over the place especially its pipelines. Some of the reservoirs and tanks are seen to be not secured, and some tank covers were not even locked safely. The fence torn and the gates are not locked properly. The restricted zone can be easily broken into by outsider. Lately, we see more and more pipe lines are being installed and placed on the ground by the road side. This method is bad because the pipes can be subjected to vandalism. The pipes should be buried underground for safety reasons.

The Jabatan Air should inspect the reservoirs and water tanks to ensure these are safe and not being broken into. The regular inspection should be extended to the privately managed water supply system of the housing estates, and to ensure that their water tanks are secured and cleaned regularly.

Many housing estates have their balancing water tanks for the pump station, and these are not checked and cleaned regularly. If anything happened, the whole housing estate will taste and drink contaminated water or dirty water for months. Furthermore there must be strict laws to govern and control all these mishaps.

The Water Department (Jabatan Air) should inspect their water facilities and installation in Kota Kinabalu regularly and get all these provided with full securities and locked. In a city of this big size, we cannot afford to have any incident here happening. The Sabah DAP team had checked on some reservoirs in KK, and found some of the gates and fences is not secure. (DAP Media)


  1. setiap air yang dibekalkan kepada penduduk kena dipastikan ia dalam keadaan bersih dan selamat.

  2. Kejadian di Tawau baru2 ini harus dijadikan pengajaran agar sentiasa memastikan keselamatan dan kebersihan sistem bekalan air terjaga.

  3. Pemeriksaan yang kerap boleh membantu mengurangkan potensi masalah pencerobohan dan kebersihan dalam sistem bekalan air.

    1. Agree, pemeriksaan yang berjadual akan mengurangkan masalah.

  4. Semoga pihak yang bertanggugn jawab ddapat atasi masalah tersebut.

  5. Bekalan air harus sentiasa berkualiti.

  6. Rakyat harus diberi air yang bersih dan tidak dicemar.

  7. Jabatan Air harus bertanggung jawab dengan membekalkan bekalan yang terbaik.

  8. Tekanan harus diberi agar Jabatan Air jelas kelemahan dan sanggup membaikinya.

  9. Permantauan harus dibuat untuk memastikan air sentiasa dalam keadaan yang bersih dan tidak dicemari.

  10. Tanki air harus ditutup supaya tidak dicemari.

  11. Semoga tempat penyimpanan air tidak dicerobohi dan mencemarkan air bekalan.

  12. Demi kesihatan pengguna, pihak jabatan air harus bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan air dalam keadaan yang selamat diguna.

  13. Nampaknya perlu ada pengawal juga dikawasan tersebut bagi memastikan perkara yang berlaku di Tawau tidak akan berulang kembali.

  14. selepas kes mayat dalam tangki air, penyedia bekalan air perlu lebih sensitif terhadap tahap kebersihan air dan pemantauan perlu dilakukan sekurang2nya 2 kali sehari.. bukannya seminggu sekali..
