Tuesday, 15 May 2012



RANAU :  The in-coming Federal Government must allocate more funds for a better and wider roads in Sabah, including all roads that connect the state capital Kota Kinabalu and the other major towns like Sandakan, Tawau, Keningau and Kudat.

Time and again we saw a mere landslip on our small double-lane roads would cripple traffic for days just like the one that happened very recently in Ranau. Virtually all traffic from Ranau, Sandakan, Tawau and Lahad Datu to the state capital were halted for very long hours.

So much time and resources were spent and spoiled because we don't have good and wider roads, all after 49 years of independence !

Our transportation would have been smoother if we have wider and triple-lane roads everywhere. The State Reform Party (Star) is of the opinion that by now we should have at least double-lane or triple-lane roads for Kota Kinabalu (KK)-Ranau-Sandakan-Tawau; KK-Tuaran-Kota Belud-Kudat; KK-Tambunan-Keningau; KK-Papar-Beaufort-Sipitang; and the Keningau-Kalabakan-Tawau.

It is now a common sight that during peak hours the KK exit roads would be very jammed. The KK-Kudat road would be jammed up to Tuaran, and so is the KK-Beaufort is jammed up to Papar at peak hours !

A better mode of public transportation including the introduction of LRT and more efficient railway must be brought by now to Sabah. We failed to understand why the UMNO-led Federal Government had conveniently neglected our needs for good and wider roads. They are building highways after highways Peninsular but they don't even give us a triple-lane roads within the KK city.

Can we not say that we are being sabotaged ? A shift in priority from Peninsular to East Malaysia must be introduced by the incoming Federal Government if it wants to stay beyond its five years term at the coming general election.

For this we challenge both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat to offer East Malaysia a better


  1. masih byk lagi jalan2 di Sabah yang perlu dinaiktaraf. ada jalan yang terlalu sempit dan masih tidak diaspal, terutamanya jalan dari KB ke Kudat yang masih gravel. bangunkanlah jalan2 di Sabah.

  2. Pembangunan haruslah diseimbangkan di semua kawasan. kalau di bandar, ada saja sedikit kerosakan pada jalan mesti diaspal hingga beberapa meter. Di kampung pula, asyik2 ditabur batu tapi tiap kali hujan mesti dihanyutkan oleh air.

    1. Mana2 projek pembangunan yang bakal dibuat sepatutnya sudah dirancang dengan baik dan sistematik untuk elak kerja terbengkalai. Setiap projek harus dipantau dari masa ke masa untuk pastikan mereka mengikut spesifikasi yang ditetapkan.

  3. Orang Sabah memang penyabar. Sudah sekian lama masalah jalan raya ini berlaku. Diharap kerajaan dapat cari alternatif untuk kurangkan masalah ini.

    1. tahun ini Sabah mendapat peruntukan sebanyak 4 billion, gunakanlah ia untuk memperbaiki jalan2 di Sabah.

  4. Semoga peruntukan dari persekutuan untuk projek naik taraf.

  5. Semoga projek pembangunan juga tidak mengabaikan kawasan luar bandar.

    1. Projek yang dijalankan harus diutamakan.

  6. Sabah masih bersusahan walaupun kemudahan asas sahaja.

  7. Kerajaan harus turun padang dan memahami keadaan sebenar rakyat.

  8. Kerajaan perlu melawat sendiri pelbagai kawasan yang masih memerlukan perhatian daripada kerajaan.

  9. Pembangunan diluar bandar perlulah diteruskan dengan usaha yang lebih. Ini kerana mungkin masih terdapat beberapa tempat yang masih mundur. Kerajaan pasti akan melaksanakan tanggungjawab mereka kepada rakyat.

    1. The plans are the latest in a raft of measures being undertaken by state and federal authorities to boost the infrastructure and standard of living of Sabah’s rural population , one of the main thrusts of the 10th Malaysia Plan.

  10. issue of the Kota Marudu-Marak-Parak-Melinsau-Poring-Ranau high impact road project, which has stopped construction halfway since November last year, was raised in the Dewan Rakyat recently

  11. yup.. betul juga tu.. tapi perlu diingat, keluasan dan bentuk muka bumi Sabah membuatkan pembangunan kemudahan infrastruktur di negeri ini berjalan agak perlahan..

  12. jika Sabah dipecahkan kepada 2 atau lebih buah negeri, saya yakin masalah kemudahan infrastruktur ini akan dapat diatasi, malah pembangunan ekonomi juga akan lebih aktif..

  13. Projects carried out by the Rural and Regional Development Ministry, especially in rural areas throughout the country, has surpassed the target set for last year.

  14. Among projects involved was the construction of 997km of roads which exceed the 905.15km distance targeted.

  15. From the total, 406.38km involved roads in the peninsular, 367.67km in Sabah and 222.95km in Sarawak.

  16. Apart from roads, 72,406 houses were provided with clean water supply of which 35,195 in the peninsular, 19,159 in Sabah and 18,052 in Sarawak. The target was 58,087.

  17. Throughout the country 26,956 houses were provided with electricity during the same period, 14,123 houses in Sarawak, 7,946 in Sabah and 4,887 in the Peninsular.

  18. During the same period 14,365 houses were either restored or rebuilt though the target was only 9,146..

  19. The Rural and Regional Development Ministry also aims to open another 1,000 KEMAS kindergartens throughout the country in view of the increase in the number of children seeking pre-school education.

  20. Due to the rapid progress in providing infrastructure development and economic activities in rural areas throughout the country, Rural Transformation Centres (RTC) would be set up to coordinate various programmes initiated by the relevant agencies.

  21. An integrated cooperation between relevant departments and agencies can intensify efforts to improve the economic status of the people in rural areas, and hence, create a high-income society.

  22. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said the cooperation was vital to facilitate go-to-the-ground activities and identify those in need so that no one would be left out of the country's mainstream development.

  23. Sabah has always been looking for the best suitable methods to help the people in the rural areas to improve their living standard.

  24. Having an integrated cooperation between all the departments and the agencies to identify the economic field that has great potential for growth is among the best methods so far.

  25. Meanwhile, Sabah Foundation Group Director, Tan Sri Datu Khalil Datu Jamalul, said the agency was among the first to take the initiatives to develop the people in the rural areas since 1996.

  26. Among the efforts taken were the construction of people's houses, bridges and jetties, distribution of boats and fishing equipment to fishermen, implementation of gravity water system and construction of educational facilities for the comfort of pupils in rural areas.
