Tuesday, 15 May 2012



THE MARKET in Taman Jambo, Petagas, is unbelievably dirty and filthy. This was discovered during the walkabout conducted by the KK MP Hiew King Cheu with Edward Ewol Mujie, Andrew Lee, and Stephen Yaman to the Petagas area.

The market is so dirty that the drains are filled up with garbage and plastic bottles. It looks as if these drains were not cleaned for a long time. The drain covers have disappeared leaving dangerous dead-traps everywhere. The internal drains were also very dirty and had not been washed too.

The ceiling of the market is covered with plenty of spider web and looks dirty. This was not cleared off since the opening of the market, according to the hawkers. The water supply is no longer in service and the meat hawkers have not been able to get water for their washing purposes. They have to carry water from a water tank outside the market. The water tank has no cover and the water is dirty.

The garbage collection bin-centre is full and leaving piles of garbage exposed under the sun and rain for days. The place is smelly and not being washed daily. The sewerage system here is mal-functioned for long and the foul water always overflow and giving out foul smell everywhere.

MP Hiew said the Putatan Council is not functioning properly, and they have not been doing the job of up keeping the Petagas and Putatan area to the required standard. The Sabah Minister Datuk Hajiji actually should come personally to see for himself the condition here, and the people said that if he cannot handle his job, he should resign to allow someone to take over.

The Putatan District Officer is also being blamed for not doing his job too. They said the market and the Petagas shops area is a small place, why the council cannot put in an effort to maintain it clean and hygienic. We want a better environment to live in, and not a ‘shit-hole’!

They further complained to the Sabah DAP visiting team that the whole Petagas Taman Jambo housing area is in need of a general clean up of the road, drains, and the surrounding. It is high time that the council should come here to do some work.


  1. sangat kotor longkang tersbut, penuh sampah sarap. ia harus dibersihan. jika dibiar, ia akan tersumbat dan melimpah.

    1. Menjaga kebersihan adalah tanggugn jawab semua insan.

  2. Air bertakung macam ni tempat yang sangat sesuai untuk nyamuk membiak.

  3. Pihak Majlis Daerah perlu laksanakan tugas mereka dengan lebih aktif untuk pastikan kebersihan kawasan di bawah jagaan mereka.

  4. Pemandangan yang jijik dan memalukan jika orang luar nampak.

  5. Majlis Daerah kena main peranan penting dalam memantau tahap kebersihan di kawasan Putatan dan Petagas. Orang awam pula kena beri kerjasama dengan menjaga kebersihan kawasan sekitar mereka.

  6. Ini memberi kesan negatif kepada pelancongan.

  7. Tindakan harus diambil dan semoga boleh mencontohi Singapura untuk mengenakan hukuman.

  8. Majlis Perbandaran harus membuat yang terbaik untuk memastikan kebersihan.

  9. Tindakan cepat harus diambil agar tidak menyebabkan kebusukan dan pencemaran.

  10. Ini membawa kesan yang tidak baik untuk orang luar khas pelancong.

  11. Ada juga pihak tidak menjalankan tugas?

  12. Masyarakat awam juga bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan kebersihan dijaga.

  13. This would encourage Aedes to come.

  14. Masalah ini perlu diambil tindakkan segera. Edward hati-hati jatuh nanti susah pula.

  15. Kotoran seperti ini perlulah diselesaikan.

  16. tuding jari macam mana sekalipun, masalah ini takkan selesai selagi orang awam sendiri tidak memikul tanggungjawab menjaga kebersihan.. sampah yang ada dalam longkang tu bukan datang secara semulajadi..
