Tuesday, 8 May 2012



KOTA KINABALU: Taxi drivers are not benefitting from the tourism industry as they only manage to pick up leftover tourists from packaged tours. Hence, Sabah United Taxi Association (SUTA) president Wong Yit Ming welcomes the recent launching of Taxi Tourism Service by Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen that enables taxi and hired car associations to offer attractive packages and to double up as tour guides.

Wong lamented the hardship in doing tourists’ business, as many travel agencies now provide tour buses that chauffeur tourists to and fro the aiport as well as during their holidays here.

“In the past, tourists approached us (taxi drivers) once they exited from the airport.

“Now there are few who do so as many of them make their bookings online or go for our packages,” he said when contacted yesterday.

Sabah Tourist Guide Association (SGTA) and Malaysia Association of Tours and Travel Agent, Sabah (MATTA Sabah) are against the minister’s idea of the Taxi Tourism Service.

In a joint press statement issued on Sunday, both associations said allowing taxi drivers to act as travel agents or tour consultants could lead to many unwanted negative impacts on destination marketing and national image overall.

This is because taxi drivers only need to attend a one-day course as opposed to the mandatory three to six months academic requirements to become a qualified tour guide.

Wong added that business was bad for taxi drivers as tour buses were included in the package for tourists.

“For example, we only get to pick up two or three tourists from Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak or Singapore on business trips at Hotel Promenade because most of the tourists have gone onto tour buses.”

Although taxi drivers may not be as professional as tour guides, Wong believes that they could do their part in promoting attractions and cultures in Sabah.

“If the government decides to implement Taxi Tourism Service here, I would urge our members to read in understanding the necessary information,” he said, adding that some Sabahan Chinese and Bumiputras can communiate in English with tourists.

In fact, Wong said taxi drivers often pointed out and explained buildings, locations, local culture and islands to tourists during their journey on the taxi.

“We hope the government realizes the hardships of taxi drivers. While travel agents are making more money, we are just earning to provide for our wives and children.” (theborneopost)


  1. pemandu teksi juga harus memainkan peranan dalam mempromosikan pelancongan di Sabah.

    1. Pemandu teksi juga mempunyai peranan penting dalam industri pelancongan, perkidmatan teksi amat diperlukan.

  2. Kerajaan pasti membela nasib para pemandu teksi ni.

    1. Kerajaan perlu membantu para teksi untuk meningkatkan pendapatan mereka, guna perkidmatan teksi dalam industri pelancongan

  3. Satu cadangan yang baik bagi memberikan pemandu teksi aset kepada perlancongan kita.

  4. sebelum membantah cadangan ini, cuba berfikir sebagaimana pelancong berfikir.. sudah tentu pelancong akan perlukan kemudahan yang cekap, tersedia, pelbagai dan tidak terhad untuk memudahkan aktiviti pelancongan mereka di negeri ini..
