Wednesday 15 June 2011


POTHOLES…..Datuk Richard Yong Chairman of SAPP Tanjung Aru CLC together with Bahari Aship, Vice Chairman of the CLC looking at buses entering the Terminal where there are potholes everywhere.


“Improve the KK Bus Terminal immediately and construct pedestrian overhead bridges as soon as possible.”

Datuk Richard Yong, Secretary-General of SAPP made a site inspection at the KK Bus Terminal and urged DBKK and the authorities concerned to act immediately to rectify the deplorable situation of the Bus terminal Kota Kinabalu at Wawasan Plaza and to construct pedestrian crossing bridges to ensure the safety of the pedestrians.

Richard Yong said, “Everyday, thousands of people, young and old arrived by bus have to cross the main roads to Wawasan Plaza and then to the other part of the city. Most of the times you can see they have to risk their lives while crossing the road,

“Over the years, time again the authorities had talked about making good the conditions of the bus terminal and the plan for the construction of the pedestrian overhead bridges but unfortunately, nothing has happened.”

RISK….A common scene at the Wawasan Plaza, pedestrians risking their lives while crossing the road.

Richard Yong lamented that the government saw the need to provide two pedestrian overhead bridges at the highway linking Tanjung Aru and KK International airport which is quite under-utilized but don’t seem to see the urgency to construct overhead bridges at pedestrian busy area such as near the bus terminal, Putatan and 1-Borneo.

He further commented that the condition of the bus terminal is getting unbearable for the users. Pot-holes are all over the place. During draught season, the people have to suffer the dust, on rainy days it is muddy and wet. It simply don’t match the image of the city for having a bus terminal of such condition and certainly contradict the government’s slogan on ‘People First, Performance Now’

“I hope the authorities will be sympathetic and don’t have to wait until any untoward incidents to happen. Act immediately to rectify shortcomings and improve the bus terminal,” said Richard Yong.


  1. Thanks for pointing this out, SAPP. I'm sure the city hall would appreciate your help for providing suggestion to them to further improve the conditions of the bus terminals.

  2. The potholes should be filled up as soon as possible to improve the image and safety of the bus terminal.

  3. Immediate action should be taken to ensure the safety of pedestrians and improve the bus terminal condition.

  4. Pedestrians and drivers are advised to be more careful/alert when going through around KK Bus Terminal.

  5. sudah berapa kali isu terminal ini dibangkitkan tapi tiada juga tindakan. Harap2 isu terminal ini dapay diselesaikan.

  6. DBKK dan pihak yang berwajib perlu memandang serius masalah jalan yang dihadapi di terminal bas kk dan keselamatan para pejalan kaki ke Wawasan Plaza. jangan menunggu sesuatu perkara buruk berlaku baru bertindak.

  7. bagaimana kerajaan mahu memajukan Sabah jika bandar utamanya masih banyak menonjolkan kemunduran berbanding dengan kemajuan.

  8. Keadaan di terminal memang menyedihkan. Naik bas pun tidak selesa. Harap hal ini mendapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  9. Tapi kalau soal pedestrians nak seberang jala tu, rasanya semua pengguna jalan raya tak kiralah yang ada kenderaan atau berjalan kaki mengamalkan sikap toleransi bg menanggani situasi sebegini.

  10. harap keadaan terminal tersebut akan dapat diperbaiki..

  11. kawasan terminal bas itu seharusnya dinaiktaraf agar lebih selesa dan selamat.

  12. hope the terminal infrastructure will be improving. To across the road is one of the risk. Need to build the people bridge way.

  13. keadaan di bus terminal memang menyedihkan, semoga pihak kerajaan berikhtiar untuk mengatasi masalah ynag telah disebutkan di atas.
