Tuesday, 8 May 2012



KUCHING: Padawan Municipal Council chairman Lo Khere Chiang believes that if Pakatan Rakyat (Pakatan) comes to power in the coming 13th general election, then the Prime Minister would be someone from PAS.

Lo, who is highly-tipped to be fielded in Stampin by the BN in the coming polls, opined that it was impossible for leaders from either the DAP or PKR to be appointed prime minister by virtue of the fact that the majority of Malaysians are Malays.

“After 53 years of Independence, are we ready to accept a prime minister from PAS? Will the prime minister from PAS be able to guarantee what we have today under the Barisan Nasional (BN) government?” he asked at Fu Hok Dragon and Lion Dance Association first anniversary dinner here on Sunday.

He told those present that only the BN government could guarantee the freedom and rights of the people as the government practiced democracy.

Lo pointed out that if the government was not serious in upholding democracy, then there would never have been any Bersih rallies.

“Bersih managed to organised Bersih 1.0, Bersih 2.0 and Bersih 3.0. I hope there will not be a Bersih 4.0 because we have seen that such a rally can turn violent.”

Lo urged the people to be rational and to think hard and discuss with their family members before deciding whom to vote for in the coming polls.

“Although the BN government is not perfect, we can see that it is serious in ensuring that all fundamental rights of the people are protected, and that goes for every race’s rights to practice their cultures and beliefs.”

Lo stated that the country had progressed tremendously in recent years due to the myriad of transformation programmes introduced by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

“We only have less than eight years left to hit the targets set under Vision 2020. We also aspire to become a high income and developed nation. All these are only achievable if the people continue to be behind the BN government to implement all the transformation initiatives introduced by our prime minister.”

On the association, Lo praised its management committee for promoting lion and dragon dances to the younger generation.

“I understand that members of this association are not purely Chinese as some of them are Bumiputeras. This really reflects the 1Malaysia spirit.”

Among those present were the association’s honorary chairman Datuk Alfred Yap, chairman Ronnie Chin, organising chairman Chin Lai Kim and SUPP Youth chief Tan Kai. (theborneopost)


  1. Kita tunggu saja PRU akan datang nanti apa yang PR mampu lakukan.

  2. Kerjasama semua ahli UmnoBN untuk memastikan kejayaan parti

  3. jangan harap jawatan perdana menteri akan disandang oleh pemimpin2 lain dalam Pakatan selain Anwar jika parti itu berjaya memperolehi mandat dari rakyat..

  4. apa2pun, saya yakin, PRU kali ini tetap akan mengecewakan Pakatan..
