Sunday, 6 May 2012


SIPITANG : Penduduk Long Pasia yang terletak di persempadanan tiga segi antara Sabah, Sarawak dan Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia, akan mendapat kemudahan jalur lebar tanpa wayar dalam tempoh terdekat tahun ini.

Mengumumkan demikian di sini hari ini, Timbalan Pengarah Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia (SKMM) Sabah, Juslie Ellis berkata pihaknya sudah mengenal pasti dua lokasi bagi tujuan menempatkan kemudahan berkenaan.

Menurut beliau, kemudahan itu pasti akan menyenangkan penduduk Long Pasia yang kebanyakan komuniti Lundayeh, mendapatkan akses jalur lebar melalui projek kampung Wifi.

Juslie memberitahu demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis perasmian Program Sekolah Angkat Jabatan Penerangan Sabah dan Rakan Siber 2012 anjuran Jabatan Penerangan Sabah dan SKMM Sabah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Long Pasia, dekat sini.

Perasmian disempurnakan oleh anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri Kawasan Sindumin, Ahmad Bujang. (Bernama)


  1. Sumandak! These two must be Unduk Ngadau's.

  2. Sorry, I was distracted from the actual article for a while. Hope that the SKKM will do their best to improve the broadband coverage throughout the whole Sabah, its good to know Long Pasia will be getting Wifi service soon.

    1. Di Sabah liputan broadband belum lagi sampai 50%. Harap2 dalam tahun ni liputan akan bertambah baik.

  3. Long Pasia adalah kawasan pedalaman, kemudahan jalur lebar di kawasan tersebut psti menggembirakan penduduk tempatan.

    1. Bekalan elektrik pun harap2 sudah lengkap di Long Pasia ni.

    2. Kemudahan tu harap dapat memberi manfaat kepada penduduk di sana. Tapi diharap seluruh Sabah juga dapat menikmati kemudahan dan bekalan elektrik yang mencukupi

  4. Ini satu berita yang baik untuk Long Pasia dengan kemudahan yang diberikan ini.

  5. Pertingkatan coverage di seluruh Sabah, supaya rakyat Sabah boleh menikmati kemuadahan yang ada

  6. jangan lupa daerah2 lain.. lagi bagus jika kemudahan jalur lebar tanpa wayar dilaksanakan secara serentak di semua daerah2 pedalaman di Sabah..

  7. With the federal gov­ernment targeting broadband penetra­tion rates of 75 per cent by the end of 2015, much work remains to be done in Sabah, which, at 33 per cent, has the lowest penetration rate of all Malaysia’s states.

  8. Some progress has been seen in this regard recently, how­ever, with several telecoms companies moving to boost their investments in Eastern Malaysia.

  9. Yee, who is also Sabah’s resource development and information technology minister, said recently in comments to the press, “We don’t want to feel as if the federal government has neglected the development of technology and communications in Sabah.” He also added that only the federal government had the necessary authority to expand coverage in the state.

  10. The issue of inequality in ICT infrastructure between East and West Malaysia was re­cently highlighted by Sabah’s deputy chief minister, Yee Moh Chai, who appealed to the federal government to ensure that Sabah has access to the same broadband services and pricing schemes as Peninsular Malaysia.

  11. In 2007, the government of Malaysia set a target household broadband penetration rate of 50 per cent by the end of 2010. However, Sabah was assigned a separate target rate of 25 per cent, which the state had since surpassed. Peninsular Malaysia’s rate, however, is currently over 60 per cent.

  12. Meanwhile, the govern­ment’s National Broadband Initiative spelt out the impor­tance of implementing broad­band services nationally, calling attention to the posi­tive impact broadband access could have on GDP and attract­ing foreign direct investment, as well as promoting national competitiveness by facilitating the knowledge-based economy and creating knock-on effects in other sectors.

  13. Yet recently, customers in Sabah had voiced dismay over a trend in which broadband telecommunications compa­nies operating in the state had increased charges but not service quality.

  14. Some broadband providers which had previously offered five days of access for RM10 (US$3.2) reduced the number of days to two, meaning that pay-as-you-go customers were now paying more than double the original amount for a week’s internet access.

  15. Sabahans were particularly cost sensitive, as they often paid more and made less than their counterparts on the Peninsula. However, overall costs were generally higher in Malaysia than in other regional peers. Singapore’s broadband system, for example, charges around 10 per cent of the average fee in Malaysia to deliver 2Mbps services.

  16. Last year, during an infor­mation, communication and technology (ICT) forum, the federal government promised to investigate reducing broadband access fees nationwide to ensure that more people – especially those in rural areas – could af­ford broadband service.

  17. Indeed, a more equitable deal for Sabah’s broadband consum­ers may now be on the horizon. The newly appointed chairman of the Malaysian Communica­tions & Multimedia Commis­sion (MCMC), Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, met with telecom­munications industry CEOs in early November and report­edly told them he wanted to see improvements in the quality of service and coverage for both broadband and cellular service, including narrowing the gap in rural connectivity.

  18. Sharil’s words have appar­ently been heeded. Maxis, one of Malaysia’s wireless com­munications providers, said it was now working closely with the federal government to lower the cost of entry to broadband adoption to boost the overall penetration rate in Sabah.

  19. In late November, Maxis reported that it had invested about RM100 million (US$31.4 million) in the past 18 months to boost its network coverage in Eastern Malaysia. Maxis’ joint COO, Mark Dioguardi, said in local press reports that the investment had significantly improved Maxis’ coverage in the two states.

  20. In addition, Dioguardi said Maxis had also doubled down on its commitment to assist urban areas in Sabah achieve economic growth.

  21. “Maxis aims to provide Saba­hans with critical broadband connectivity through more network infrastructure invest­ments and competitive localised customer offerings,” Dioguardi told reporters.

  22. Other companies offering broadband services in Sabah in­cluded Celcom, DiGi, Telekom Malaysia, Y-Max, U-Mobile, Redtone-CNX, Asiapace and Packet One.
    Additional improvements might be on the way. In Oc­tober, YTL Communications announced it was assembling a business plan to secure licences to roll out Yes, its 4G mobile broadband network, which included internet-with-voice service, in both Sabah and Sarawak.

  23. Such a service could not be launched quickly enough for those in Sabah hoping to fol­low the wider country’s lead in boosting its internet penetra­tion rate and developing new, high-tech and value-added businesses.
