Saturday 25 August 2012


THE SABAH DAP walkabout visit in Putatan received welcome by the local people there, and they were encouraged to come more often to listen to the various complaints and requests by the people here. The walkabout team comprised of the KK MP Hiew King Cheu, the Vice Chairman Edward Ewol Mujie, the Sabah DAP Wanita Chief Puan Noriah Onong, Putatan branch chairman Salleh Yussof and with other DAP members.

The DAP received many complaints here which includes the infrastructures, traffic congestion, not enough parking space and garbage problems. The people said that Putatan town is a fast growing town and it seems that the authorities can not cope up with. The place is getting dirtier day by day, and the grass was not cut.

The Putatan District Council, the BN elected Member of Parliament and State assemblyman should come to walk the place and to bring in workers to tidy up the place. The town is in need of a lot of tidying up and to improve on the beautification work. The garbage and rubbish can be seen every way, and we wonder whether there is any one in charge of cleaning the place.

The people in Putatan are not happy with the way how the council is handling the work here, they said there shouldn’t be any excuse now because the council had been set up for years now. By now the council should be in full working capacity to execute their work and should have sorted out all the differences with its predecessor - Penampang District Council. It is the job of the Putatan District Council to go full swing to put things right in Putatan.

The people here also suggested to DAP that there should be a by-pass road to be built here to solve the forever traffic jam problem during peak hours in the morning and afternoon. The Putatan traffic light cannot cope with the traffic flow now and there should be a flyover here to cater for the jam situation. They said if the flyover is built, there shouldn’t be any traffic jam.

“How come the government doesn’t want to build a flyover here and is it very expensive?” said one Mr Wong in Putatan 1-Place Mall, and the State Assemblyman cum Minister of Agriculture Datuk Yahya Hussien was coincidently in the same shopping mall at the time giving away some educational aids.

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