Sunday 26 August 2012


KOTA KINABALU : Kestabilan politik dan ekonomi yang diwujudkan Barisan Nasional (BN) akan memastikan parti itu terus mentadbir Sabah selepas pilihan raya umum akan datang.

Keyakinan itu diluah Pembantu Menteri Pembangunan Infrastruktur negeri Datuk Japlin Akim, yang berkata BN Sabah di bawah pimpinan Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Aman berjaya memenuhi harapan rakyat.

"Tidak syak lagi Ketua Menteri kita telah membawa Sabah ke era kecemerlangan dari segi pertumbuhan ekonomi terutama pelaburan dari dalam dan luar negara.

"Kedudukan rizab kewangan Sabah juga kini bertambah kukuh berbanding dengan keadaan sebelum ini. Kedudukan kewangan yang baik ini sudah pasti akan merancakkan lagi program pembangunan untuk kemudahaan rakyat di negeri ini," katanya.

Beliau yang ditemui pemberita pada majlis rumah terbuka Aidilfitri di kediamannya dekat sini, berkata perkongsian kuasa yang diamal BN turut menyumbang kepada kestabilan politik negeri, sekali gus membolehkan kerajaan negeri menumpukan perhatian kepada agenda pembangunan negeri. (BERNAMA)


  1. BN dapat memberikan ekonomi Negara ini dalam keadaan yang stabil. Harap pengurusan yang cekap dan baik akan diteruskan bagi memastikan ekonomi sentiasa stabil.

    1. Ekonomi yang stabil boleh menarik pelabur untuk melabur di Sabah.

    2. Ekonomi di Sabah masih jauh tidak berkembang jika dibandingkan dengan negeri lain. Sabah seharus berkembang pesat dengan sumber yang begitu banyak.

  2. Teruskan sokongan kita kepada BN.

  3. The spirit of camaraderie and cooperation that existed among component parties is one key factor which attributed to a strong and stable Barisan Nasional government.

  4. Stability of the BN government has enabled the smooth implementation of all development agendas for the benefit of the rakyat,

  5. Parti komponen BN harus memberi sokongan yang berterusan agar BN terus berkembang dan mentadbir.

    1. Komponen harus sebulat suara untuk memperjuangkan misi yang sama.

  6. Kami menantikan sama ada rakyat akan terus memberi sokongan kepada BN?

  7. KM kini memang berkeupayaan membawa Sabah ke era yang lebih berkembang.

  8. berkenaan dengan kestabilan politik, hanya parti politik BN saja yang stabil.. parti politik pembangkang dari dulu hingga kini sentiasa tunggang langgang..

  9. kestabilan politik dan ekonomi harus dikekalkan bagi memastikan rakyat hidup dalam sejahterah.

  10. The Sabah government has maintain their commitment to aid the chinese cummunity particulary in comerce: A cordial and harmonious environment is created with all chambers of commerce including the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the state.

  11. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said such good relations would ensure a conducive investment climate in the state, thereby enabling to attract more investments and assist in economic growth.

  12. He said many foreign investors are interested to invest in Sabah because of its political stability and conducive investment climate as well as good environmental policy.

  13. Investors are amazed at how well we administer the state and because of that foreign investors have chosen to invest in the state.

  14. This point was emphasis by the Chief Minister during a meeting with leaders of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) led by its President, Tan Sri William Cheng, atThe official residence at Sri Gaya.

  15. Citing the decision by Dole Food Co, the world''s largest producer of fresh fruits and vegetables based in the United States (US), to invest more than RM1 billion in Sabah, Musa, who is also Sabah finance minister, said the huge investments would help generate the state''s economy while also creating job opportunities for local residents.

  16. Apart from that, he said in March this year, Darden, a Fortune 500 company from the US, has also announced it will invest some RM2 billion to develop a red lobster farm off the east coast of Sabah.

  17. Musa said the meeting was a good effort to further strengthen the understanding and cooperation between the state government and chambers of commerce.

  18. This meeting too is a way to understand the needs of these chambers of commerce: The Common denominator expressed by all are stable political environment so that businesses can carry be carry out without any interuption.

  19. Refering to the social contributions of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the state, such as (helping the Chinese schools and temples), the Chief minister applauded such practices as it would be nurtured for mutual benefits.

  20. Musa believed through such visits, all leaders of Chinese businesses in the country will be able to exchange views and ideas on how to progress and succeed.

  21. With such platform, matters of how to improve and expand businesses throughout Malaysia can be discussed. This is to make such vast opportunities be made available to all including the Chinese, Malays, Indians and Bumiputeras in the state.

  22. More importantly, the cooperation between the chambers of commerce and Industry in the state with the Barisan Nasional government. Besides that it is vital to create a good understanding and communication between the state and business chambers so as to be able to understand one another.

  23. The government has always given its support to the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and other business chambers in order to create a conducive condition for foreign investors to invest in the country especially in Sabah.
