Wednesday 8 August 2012



KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman’s reluctance to push the envelope on oil royalties and demand more of its wealth back from the federal government is puzzling Sabahans in and the opposition here.

Sabah receives a “ridiculous” 5% royalty and despite its natural wealth, is today the poorest state in Malaysia and relies on federal government handouts.

It has also been pointed out that the small allocation of development funds from the Barisan Nasional-led federal government does not commensurate with the size of the state.

Reminding Musa of the lopsidedness of federal funding, state DAP chief Jimmy Wong said that a special committee set up recently by the federal government to determine cash payments from petroleum revenue to the states in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia had omitted to mention Sabah.

“Sabah was left out despite being one of the biggest oil producers in the country with an estimated contribution of more than RM19 billion a year.

“Why were we left out out of the list? Musa must explain this omission,” said Wong.

He also took Musa to task for alleging yesterday that Pakatan Rakyat (of which DAP is a partner) was using oil royalties as a ploy to fish for votes.

Wong said that Pakatan’s pledge to increase Sabah’s oil royalty payments from 5% to 20% is a promise which is logical.

He said Pakatan’s pledge is to emphasise the state autonomy and is separate from the funds channelled to the state by the federal government.

Wong said that Musa was ignoring the fact that oil and gas extracted in the state belongs to Sabah by saying that it did not matter how the federal government delivered the money to the state as long as it got the money.

Musa’s flawed mindset

Accusing Musa of having a flawed mindest, Wong said that DAP was trying to restore to Sabah what belongs to the state.

He said that with a larger portion of the oil and gas bounty, the state government would be able to invest in the state’s infrastructure “in accordance with the demands of people in Sabah”.

“This is the main concept of Pakatan… an emphasis on decentralisation that would allow the state government the right to allocate funding according to its vision and needs and not rely on federal government policy, which is politically biased.

Wong said that a Pakatan-led government would restore Sabah’s rights and would even bring the issue to the court for a legal remedy.

He said that unlike BN, a Pakatan government was capable of putting the state’s interest first and bring about real development. (FMT)


  1. Petronas telah membelanjakan 80% daripada hasil petroleum untuk kerja mencarigali dan kos operasi. Anggap sahaja harga minyak mentah dunia pada kadar RM100 setong. Petronas telah mengeluarkan kos RM80 untuk mendapatkan setong minyak dan hanya berbakinya RM20. RM5 telah diserahkan kepada Kerajaan Negeri Sabah sebagai royalti dan RM10 lagi diserahkan kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk menanggung kos subsidi minyak sejumlah RM90 billion setahun; manakala RM5 lagi adalah untung kasar Petronas untuk biasiswa dan sebagainya.

    1. I don't think he is quiet. He has voiced out about this matter previously.

  2. jika Petronas menyerahkan RM20 atau 20% kepada Sabah, apakah keuntungan yang diperolehi Petronas, sedangkan Petronas memerlukan dana untuk meneruskan kerja dan kontrak carigali di 46 negara di dunia? Bagaimana Petronas mahu membiayai subsidi minyak yang semakin meningkat?

  3. saya masih tertanya-tanya apa relevannya pihak tertentu memperdaya rakyat Sabah dengan isu kenaikan royalti minyak sedangkan isu ini sukar untuk dibuktikan secara logik, melainkan prasangka jahat terhadap Kerajaan Persekutuan yang didakwa bersikap tidak adil kepada rakyat Sabah.

    1. PR pasti mahu berkuasa di Sabah, tu adalah salah satu cita2 Anwar. Lepas tu PR tidak akan peduli apa2 lagi.

    2. Anwar hnya nak jadi PM, dia tak peduli pun pasal benda lain.

    3. Well this is more than what the opposition has been trying to tell us.

  4. Hasil minyak Sabah telah diberi semula kepada Sabah dalam bentuk peruntukan.

  5. bolehkah Jimmy Wong tampil memberikan penjelasan secara terperinci berkenaan dengan royalti 20% itu? jangan hanya sekadar cakap tanpa sebarang kaji selidik.. sepatutnya Jimmy tampil dengan hujah2 yang meyakinkan rakyat Sabah tentang bagaimana Pakatan mampu memberikan royalti sebanyak itu, bukannya sekadar memberikan angka 20% kepada Sabah..

  6. Sabah's focus on the booming crude palm oil (CPO) sector is timely as it has now become the main source of income for the State and the nation.

    1. Sabah's focus on the booming crude palm oil (CPO) sector is timely as it has now become the main source of income for the State and the nation.

    2. Chief Minster Datuk Seri Musa Aman said Sabah has drawn up long-term plans and strategies to sustain its status as the main CPO producer in the country.

    3. The plans include research and development and acquiring technical know-how from experts all over the world.

    4. Musa said that although Sabah still depended on timber royalty, the State Government has introduced a policy to reduce logging activities so as not to damage the forests.

    5. Reducing logging activities as part of forest conservation efforts will enable the State to sustain its forest revenue in the long run.

  7. Meanwhile, Palmex provides an avenue for local planters and the small and medium industry (SMI) players to gain technical know-how from international players.

    1. Musa said it would augur well for the development of the oil palm industry as the local planters would be able to access the latest technology from overseas.

    2. This is in line with our efforts to encourage local planters to gain international experience and exposure on how to further develop this sector.

    3. Palmex is organised by Fireworks Event (M) Sdn Bhd with the support of Sabah's Ministry of Industrial Development and its various agencies.

    4. Musa said Sabah would continue to attract investors to the State, the latest being the proposed RM2 billion investment from US in cluster farming in Semporna and Lahad Datu.

    5. The State will continue to attract foreign investors. International events like Palmex is one of the events to promote this cause.

    6. Sabah have a political stability, friendly people and a lot of tourist attractions. He said that Sabah would continue to optimise its forest resources, including embarking on downstream processing industry.

  8. Mengenai isu minyak royalti ini rasanya sukar untuk disuarakan. Ini semua silap KM dahulu. Datuk Musa mungkin hanya boleh mencadangkan jika perlu.

  9. janji PR untuk royalti minyak 20% adalah tidak logik dan rasional..

    1. janji ini hnya gimik pembangkang untuk dptkan sokongan. mereka sebenarnya tak mampu nak tunaikan.

  10. kalau mahu salahkan seseorang, salahkan harris salleh...

    1. sampaii sekarang rakyat Sabah masih marah dgn Harris. dia byk merugikan sabah.

  11. Susah mahu salahkan Musa... Semuanya sudah termaktub dalam perjanjian dan apa lagi yang kita boleh buat...

  12. Itulah sebabnya kita perlukan pemimpin yang bijak pandai yang mampu berfikir jauh di hadapan supaya kesilapan seperti ini tidak berulang lagi.

  13. byk projek2 Petronas di Sabah seperti SOGT dan Samur yang akan memacu lagi pembangunan di Sabah.

    1. harap projek-projek tersebut akan memberikan manfaat yang besar kepada Sabah.

  14. The oppositions should stop gaining too much publicity on this issue, it's sickening though.

    1. I can't help to feel the opposition are only politicizing this issue to gain publicity when nearing the GE.

  15. Oil royalty is gaining too much attention od.

    1. Hopefully this oil royalties will not be politicized only, we need solutions not publicity.

  16. apa pun yang Musa kata pasti akan dikritik oleh pembangkang.

    1. The opposition always criticize for the sake of criticizing. Whether the BN government do right or wrong, they would look at it negatively.

  17. apa pun, isu ini tidak harus dipolitikkan oleh mana-mana pihak.

    1. Politicizing these issues does not solve the oil royalty problems, better come up with some ideas to help return the Sabahans oil rights.

    2. Apa2 yang menguntungkan pembangkang pasti akan dipolitikan.

  18. A special taskforce is being implemented by the Federal Government for the oil royalty rights for the Kelantanese. Hopefully they will get what rightfully belongs to them. Maybe Sabah should also get a special taskforce too?

  19. Jangan mudah terpedaya dengan janji2 pembangkang yang hanya manis sekejap saja.
