Wednesday 8 June 2011


FREE…. Edward picking up the free kangkong.


THE people in the Penampang New town ship said they have plenty of ‘Free Kangkong’ to supply which is so nice and tasty and ready for harvest just by the road side drain.

This was pointed out to the Sabah DAP vice chair Edward Ewol Mujie during his walk-about visit with the Sabah DAP KK MP Hiew King Cheu, Dr. Edwin Bosi, Allan Chieng, Edmund Wong and other members to the shops in the Penampang new town ship.

The people here are not happy about the roads, drains that are clogged up and growing with plenty of kangkong, blocked sewerage system, and the dirty environment. They requested the DAP to high light the bad situation here and to bring it up to the Penampang District council.

The slackness of the council is the main cause according to the people here. They called for help from them, and not even one time they come to service them, so what the use in paying the council assessment. We pay our money to the council for the service, but we don’t get any service in return. Therefore, if they want any money in the future, they have to deliver the service to us.

“The council officers who wish to continue to stay in their office and yet not doing anything, we might request for their removal (the lazy bunch) to be transferred”, claimed an angry shop owner.

Edward said that the Penampang New town ship is just a small commercial centre, and yet the Penampang council can’t even manage to take care of it. What about the whole Penampang district which is so large and spread out. What is the 3 BN YBs doing down there? Are they sleeping or like one of them saying I was always away and in some way else?

The Penampang council must come in to immediately clear all the drains, blocked sewerage and garbage in the new town ship. Meanwhile Edward said he had a good meal with the Kangong that he picked from the road side drain in the Penampang new town ship.


  1. Hopefully Penampang council will do something about this & for DAP, your guys quest to find block sewerage, damage road, uncut grass has become some sort of jokes in KK. no offense thought. THanks...

  2. Hopefully an immediate action taken....

  3. Penampang district council should take immediate action on this matter.

  4. Don't rely on the council to do all the cleaning. It is our duty also to maintain the cleanliness.

  5. yup, selesaikan hal ini segera.

  6. pekara ini perlu diberikan perhatian. langkah pembersihan perlu dilakukan.

  7. saliran parit yang tersumbat dan tidak bersih boleh menyebabkan banjir berlaku. jadi, sebelum terjadi kejadian yang tidak diingini lebih baik cepat bertindak.

  8. sepatutnya kerja ni boleh diselesaikan sendiri oleh penduduk sekitar atau ahli-ahli DAP sendiri secara sukarela/gotong royong jika mereka benar2 komited dengan masalah ni.

  9. kalau begini la keadaan semua longkang, tidak heran la setiap kali hujan pasti banjir..

  10. hahahha, saya terhibur oo.. Ini barulah dikatakan bumi hijau sampai longkang pun dipenuhi tumbuhan warna hijau. hehe

  11. Semoga perkara ini diberi perhatian sewajranya sebelum 'kangkong' tu menjalar ke atas jalan raya:P

  12. Free food for the people. No seriously, the town council should make sure that the drains are cleared and functionable.

  13. free kangkong..err no thanks!
