CERTIFICATE Dr. Jeffrey handing over certificate to a blood donor.
NEARLY 300 United Borneo Front (UBF) supporters from Keranaan, Ranau, thronged the house of UBF host, Juhin Mining, in Kampung Paka 1, for a ‘Borneo Tea Party’ and a UBF Ka’amatan Festival Celebration on Friday.
Jointly organised by Head Coordinator for UBF Keranaan, Jalibin Paidi, and Head Coordinator for UBF Ranau, Paul Kerangkas, the tea party incorporated a blood donation drive for the Blood Bank in Ranau and a free mobile health clinic by UBF Supporter, Dr. Joseph Lee and his medical team from Penampang’s Skyline Medical Clinic and Surgery.
The mobile health clinic was launched by Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Founder and Chairman of Borneo Heritage Foundation’s UBF Committee as part of UBF’s community service drive. 75 patients were examined, some of whom were diagnosed with hypertension, and given medication on the spot. Other patients showed signs of suspected calcium deficiencies. Consultation fees and medication were fully sponsored by Dr. Joseph Lee.
“Medical care is a human right that we believe should be made available to all citizens in Malaysia. Mobile clinics are an effective way of reaching out to patients in the rural interiors who may be too weak to travel the long distance to the nearest government hospital.
“Some of them can’t even afford the fees in private clinics. As part of our civil rights beliefs we now intend to bring our mobile medical team to some of the more rural areas whenever we have our tea parties and wherever possible encourage our supporters to donate blood.
“In this way our tea parties will not only impart a seminar on the fascinating history of the formation of this country but also encourage our supporters to participate in voluntary community service as part of the development of a civil society,” Dr. Jeffrey said in a press statement.
He added that they will be extending their UBF mobile medical services in future to cover cancer screening, women’s health check-ups and dental treatments.
“We now have a very effective organising committee in our headquarters in Kota Kinabalu with UBF coordinators covering major districts throughout the State. There is a seamless operation in place that will allow district level heads to organise their programs and obtain sponsorships, financing and logistic back-up and support from our team at the headquarters.
“This has been put in place within 6 months of the formation of UBF and is now an excellent training ground for our future political leaders in Sabah. I will continue to move the UBF to greater heights with my co-founder, Nilakrisna James, the organising committee and the district head coordinators.
“The aim is to equip political leaders in every party in Sabah and Sarawak with a genuine understanding and appreciation of the agreements and documents which legitimise the existence of Malaysia and the obligations which the Federal Government must observe when it comes to the social, cultural and economic welfare of the people of Sabah and Sarawak.
“We have a great team in UBF who can look beyond the pettiness of political differences to work towards a common agenda. This is the future of politics in Malaysia, when we can focus on issues and not get personal because of politics,” Dr. Jeffrey said.
WINNER…..(From left to right) Natural Beauty winner, Nursheila Jasmin; 1st Runner Up, Mursheilla Tumis; Winner UBF Unduk Ngadau, V'Na Sya William; 2nd Runner Up, Neavilla Justine
Meanwhile, the first ever UBF Unduk Ngadau 2011 beauty pageant was held at the tea party with 14 contestants from Ranau vying for lucrative prizes and trophies sponsored by UBF committee member, Philip Among.
The winner was V’na Sya William from Kg. Tambiau; 1st runner up, Mursheilla Tumis from Kg. Mompoit and 2nd runner up, Neavilla Justine from Kg. Kibbas. The winner of the Natural Beauty trophy, judged by the tea party participants on a popular vote, was Nursheila Jasmin from Kg. Kintuntul Lama.
Nilakrisna James was also on hand to brief the beauty queens on their roles in the community and to use their beauty as an inspiration to the people. She added, “The women of Sabah are blessed with exotic beauty and gentle charm. It is a gift that must not be wasted or spoilt by empty vanity.
“Our UBF beauty queens are encouraged to participate in our UBF tea parties and improve their leadership skills as well as initiate community service and volunteerism in their communities. We intend to involve them in our UBF work.
“Their beauty is inspirational and refreshing and potentially very powerful in all fields of endeavour. As they are still young and impressionable, it is very important that we inculcate in them the values of self-confidence, education and political responsibility. It is this type of awareness and maturity which will add value to the natural beauty and gifts they already possess and give Sabah and Sabah women a very good name.”
All the best to Kampung Paka 1.
ReplyDeleteHope that UBF will continue to do things for the people.
ReplyDeleteHope that the people will benefit more from this mobile clinic.
ReplyDeleteCredit to UBF with this good approach.
ReplyDeleteif UBF can do such community service, why not political parties especially from opposition side? this is very very effective way to gain more supporters.. good luck UBF!!
ReplyDeleteini sesuatu yang baik dan memberikan manfaat kepada masyarakat.
ReplyDeletesatu pelancaran yang baik dari UBF.
ReplyDeleteUBF semakin giat melaksanakan pelbagai idea yang baik untuk rakyat. Inilah yang dikata seorang pemimpin. Harap JK terus berusaha untuk mendapatkan sokongan rakyat. Tidak perlulah JK ikut PR lagi.
ReplyDeleteWow, a mobile clinic by UBF.
ReplyDeleteNampaknya UBF giat menerokai peluang.
ReplyDeleteSeems like Jeff is eager to make a change.
ReplyDeleteOk, keep up the good work then.
ReplyDeleteI hope it won't have anything to do with politics.