THE Department of Fisheries (DOF) said they will examine the 273 used ‘Vietnamese Vessels’ at selected ports nation-wide for five days starting on Monday, 13th of June. However, Sabah is not included in this operation in spite that there are Vietnamese vessels and crews also operating in Sabah.
This is following the complaints received by the local fishermen that these vessels had been using the Purse seine nets, and their boats are working on “hunting in pairs” and bound by a ‘take-all’ dragnet.
Hiew wants the department (DOF) to explain why the action is not extended to Sabah to check on the Vietnamese fishing vessels who have been working in the Sabah water for quite some time now. If action is to be taken, the department must do it together nation-wide and not only leave Sabah aside.
There were many complaints received by the KK MP office during the past and our fishermen here are not happy about the Vietnam vessels at all. These vessels had actually robbed the earnings and incomes of the local fisherman, and also the catch in the sea is getting lesser day by day.
The fishing boats from outside must not be allowed operating in our waters especially they are alleged to be operating illegally and committing malpractices in Sabah. The fishing licenses are held by the local people here, but usually the licensees allowed the foreign vessels to pay rental fees to enable them to fish in our water.
Hiew was told that some foreign vessels pay USD 2,000 monthly in order to catch our fish and turtles. How can this happen, and what are the measures our authorities doing to take to stop this? We cannot accept this to go on in Sabah especially this is affecting our fishermen seriously.
The country is going to lose a great income and revenue from the sea catch caused by the foreign boats just because of certain selfish individual trying to get rich. The Department of Fisheries and all the department concern must immediate act to kill all these activities which is damaging the country especially in Sabah.
The department (DOF) further said that they are aware that there were alerted of the alleged rowdy behavior by the foreign crew members with reported incidents of scuffles with local fishermen. Why is this allowed to continue, and what action can the department take, and are they going to keep quiet and let our fishermen bullied by the foreigners?
Our Sabahan are peaceful people and they don’t like trouble and afraid to report to the authorities, therefore the Sabahan are always on the suffering end. It is time for them to stand up to protect their interest and lively hood and also the future of their next generation.
“The government is not protecting us and seems to give us more pressure and problems, their action is always slow and slake, and only appear with the problem happened to the point of no return” cried one angry fisher boat owner Mr. Chong.
He also said the fishes in the sea is getting less and less, it is a fact that with the high cost of everything especially the fuel, their income is dropping below par. How to survive when we have other foreign boats to come in to rob our fishes? We want these foreign boats to be chased out of our Sabah waters once for all.
Hiew advised the fishermen to express their dismay and write their protest to the DOF, and state their demand. Their voice must be heard and this is the way to safe guard their lively hood and future.
Examine first and then take action.
ReplyDeleteChina also face dilemma with the Vietnam. China’s enforcement of a fishing ban in the South China Sea poses a dilemma for Vietnam as well as itself. Following legal principles could provide a solution for both parties while meeting conservation needs.
ReplyDeleteTindakan perlu diambil untuk mengatasi masalah ini. nasib nelayan tempatan harus dibela.
ReplyDeletependuduk tempatan sepatutnya tidak menyalahgunakan lesen mereka untuk nelayan asing.
ReplyDeleteBot-bot nelayan dari luar sepatutnya dilarang beroperasi dalam perairan Sabah terutamanya mereka yang beroperasi secara haram dan menggunakan kaedah penangkapan yang tidak dibenarkan.
ReplyDeletePengajarannya, rakyat tempatan sendiri janganlah menyewakan lesen mereka kepada nelayan asing. Kelak masalah akan timbul bila perkara ini dibiarkan.
ReplyDeletelangkah yang sewajarnya perlu diambil berhubung dengan isu ini.
ReplyDeletethis is totally against our law, and i hope DAP will make a report to the authorities and bring together any proofs about this activities.
ReplyDeletejika ramai nelayan luar di kawasan kita, nasib nelayan tempatan akan terjejas, kita kena ambil tindakan segera. jgn biarkan nelayan luar berleluasa.
ReplyDeleteHarap nelayan Vietnam ini dapat dikeluarkan dari perairan kita. Jika perkara ini berterusan mungkin nelayan tempatan pasti akan gulung tikar, kerana hasil mereka dirampas oleh nelayan asing.