Monday, 7 May 2012


BINCANG... Haji Suboh Ismail yang bertopi (kiri) sedang berbincang sesuatu dengan Datuk Tan Yong Gee (kanan) dan Amran Arifin, (tengah) ketika berjalan kaki sejauh 500 meter bagi mempastikan kerja kontraktor berjalan dengan lancar.


KETUA Unit Perundingan dan Implementasi Projek MPOB, Haji Suboh Ismail menesihatkan Tapak Semaian berlesen dari MPOB supaya membekalkan bibit sawit yang berkualiti kepada pekabun kecil.

Menurutnya, pihak MPOB tidak teragak-agak membatalkan perjanjian itu sekiranya menerima aduan dari pekebun kecil yang tidak berpuas hati kualiti bibit sawit yang dibekalkan itu.

Beliau membuat gesaan itu selepas meninjau beberapa kawasan ladang yang sedang dibersihkan untuk tanam semula di kawasan Kuala Sapi daerah Beluran baru-baru ini.

Dalam pada itu, beliau berpuas hati dengan kerja pembersihan ladang dan membuat teres dari kontraktor yang dilantik oleh pemilik pekebun itu sendiri untuk melaksanakan kerja itu.

Bagaimanapun, Haji Suboh Ismail menegur cara penenaman yang tidak betul dan mengarahkan supaya sawit itu dicabut dan tanam secara yang betul mengikut jarak yang ditetapkan oleh MPOB.

Pekebun kecil perlu mematuhi tunjuk ajar daripada kakitangan TUNAS MPOB mengenai cara penanaman dan jarak yang ditetapkan supaya penghasilannya tidak terjejas, tegas Suboh.

Mantan Ahli Lembaga Pengarah MPOB yang juga mantan Wakil Rakyat di kawasan itu Datuk Tan Yong Gee dan Penyelaras Tunas MPOB Sabah, Amran Arifin turut sama meninjau ladang yang telah mendapat kelulusan untuk di tanam semula dengan sawit


  1. The MPOB has just approve subsidies for the Palm Oil Plantation smallholders for the re-plantation program, hope that the seeds provided are of good quality.

    1. Usaha dan kerjasama kedua-dua pihak amat diperlukan untuk menghasilkan buah yang bermutu.

  2. The Palm Oil smallholders should heed the TUNAS officers on the suitable way to plant the seeds so that the production will be efficient and productive.

    1. this will surely be a must as many people are seeking good quality of goods.

  3. Bibit yang bagus dan cara penanaman yang betul memastikan hasil yang terbaik di belakang hari. Perlu diingat, Sabah merupakan penyumbang utama kepada minyak sawit negara.

  4. we have to make sure there is always enough of supply

  5. benih bemutu akan memastikan pokok yang dihasilkan juga bermutu.

  6. Haji Suboh Ismail menegur cara penenaman yang tidak betul dan mengarahkan supaya sawit itu dicabut dan tanam secara yang betul mengikut jarak yang ditetapkan oleh MPOB.

    Pengusaha harus mengikut cara yangbetul supaya hasil penanaman juga terjamin.

  7. Industri kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu pendapatan utama di Sabah, harus juga diusahakan dengan baik untuk menjana pendapatan yang berterusan.

    1. Industri kelapa sawit harus diusahakan sebaik mungkin untuk menjana ekonomi Sabah

  8. Terima kasih kepad MPOB atas benis sawit yang dibekal itu yang lebih bermutu.

  9. Projek harus sentiasa dipantau supaya semuanya berjalan dengan lancar.

  10. ikut saja la nasihat MPOB.. mereka lebih banyak tahu tentang penanaman, penjagaan dan pengurusan ladang kelapa sawit..

  11. Sabah’s oil palm industry expected to grow even bigger with eastern Sabah identified as being an extremely good location for oil palm, particularly in Tawau, Lahad Datu and Sandakan.

  12. This area is where most plantations and smallholders are located, with two major downstream projects providing increasingly sophisticated downstream services for the sector.

  13. Palm oil, being one of the federal government’s NKEA (National Key Economic Area), meant that this sector would receive special attention via incentives and programmes in the years ahead.

  14. The NKEA covers everything from growing trees to sophisticated downstream industries such as oleochemicals, alongside increasing the number of applications for what was once seen as waste products like empty fruit bunches.

  15. Expanding the sector further would mean tackling some major challenges, however. Issues such as the scarcity of land in Sabah, challenges in seeking skilled workers, lack of mechanisation and so forth were hampering the growth of this sector, and this need to be given special attention.

  16. In order to combat this, several key initiatives have been put in place under the NKEA via entry point projects

  17. It is noted and was made to understand that the government has an obligatory replanting scheme under way. Through this scheme, all trees over 25 years of age must be replaced with younger ones.

  18. The MPOB would provide financial support for smallholders to do this, with the new trees to be of new strains, further boosting yields. Some RM1 billion has been earmarked for this purpose.

  19. All in all, Sabah’s oil palm industry is poised for major new developments that are set to impact industry players, from growers to exporters.

  20. According to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB), in 2009, Sabah had the largest area under oil palm cultivation than any state, at 1.36 million hectares out of the national total of 4.69 million hectares (ha).

  21. Yields, too, were generally stronger at an average of 4.3 tonnes per ha in 2010 – the highest of any state in the federation.

  22. Meanwhile, downstream processes was another segment under palm oil which was receiving great focus.

  23. It is learnt, however, the importance of the palm oil industry to Sabah cannot be merely measured by the direct revenue stream it generates as it has much more wide-reaching and important contributions to the state.

  24. The palm oil industry will have to take a leading role because of the linkages it has with other sectors – from energy to construction and manufacturing – and of course, due to the sheer size of the industry compared with the others in Sabah.

  25. The Palm Oil Industry Cluster of Sawit Kinabalu Bhd (POIC) Lahad Datu was also promoting industries that would use the large volume of biomass generated from Sabah’s oil palm plantations.

  26. One particular independent power producer has taken the initiative towards making POIC more environmental friendly by signing up to generate power and steam on site using biomass.

  27. Investors such as these thus solve two problems for POICs: providing a reliable source of power and making use of the many forms of waste from palm oil processing.

  28. As a result, Sabah’s POICs should therefore be able to look forward to varied investors knocking on their doors in years to come, in addition to adding value to the palm oil industry in their own backyards
