Wednesday 8 August 2012


PRESIDEN Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Bersatu (Upko) Tan Sri Bernard Dompok yakin tiada lagi wakil rakyatnya akan bertindak keluar parti dan menyokong pembangkang.

Sehubungan itu beliau menggesa pihak yang berkenaan agar berhenti daripada menyebarkan desas-desus berkaitan perkara tersebut, susulan tindakan timbalan presiden parti Datuk Wilfred Bumburing yang juga Anggota Parlimen Tuaran meninggalkan Upko.

"Upko menentang tindakan itu (ahli politik lompat parti). Khabar angin ini telah lama tersebar dalam parti. PM (Perdana Menteri) tahu mengenai perkara ini kerana saya telah maklumkan kepada beliau.

"Sekarang perkara itu telah berlaku dan saya yakin tidak ada lagi MP (anggota parlimen) dan ADUN yang akan keluar parti," katanya kepada pemberita.

Terdahulu, Dompok yang juga menteri perusahaan perladangan dan komoditi melancarkan sambutan hari kebangsaan kementeriannya, Jabatan Audit Negara dan Jabatan Imigresen, di Putrajaya.

Semalam sebuah akhbar tabloid melaporkan 13 lagi ahli politik Sabah termasuk ADUN, MP dan senator akan keluar parti masing-masing dan menyokong pembangkang.

Bulan lepas Anggota Parlimen Beaufort yang juga Ketua Umno bahagian itu Datuk Seri Lajim Ukim dan Bumburing secara terbuka menyatakan sokongan kepada pembangkang menerusi penubuhan parti baharu Pakatan Perubahan Sabah.

Khamis lepas Dompok menepis khabar angin UPKO akan keluar daripada BN dengan menyatakan: "Kami fikir BN yang mampu berikan apa yang kami mahu."

Mengenai Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) pendatang asing di Sabah, Dompok berkata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak akan mengumumkan perincian termasuk terma rujukan serta senarai anggota panel pada Sabtu ini.

"Kami sudah lama meminta penubuhan RCI ini. Kami hargai keikhlasan Najib menubuhkan RCI bagi menyelesaikan isu yang sudah berlarutan sejak dahulu lagi.

"Saya telah berkhidmat di bawah tiga perdana menteri, tetapi hanya Najib bersetuju untuk menubuhkan RCI. Saya hormati beliau atas tindakannya itu," katanya. (Bernama)


  1. PM Datuk Najib is confirmed to be Sabah on the 11th August and will deal with all that is required on the establishment of the RCI

    1. Yes he will be going to Sabah this Sat.

    2. Pemilihan panel adalah penentu sama ada siasatan RCI berjaya atau tidak.

  2. On BN leaders that have gone to the opposition or are in the process of doing so, Dompok said, "no one knows what is on the other side".

  3. tindakan pemimpin2 BN yang keluar parti disaat2 akhir sebelum PRU bermula sebenarnay banyak menimbulkan keraguan.. kenapa perlu buat last minute? kenapa perlu ada perjumpaan dengan Anwar sebelum khabar angin ini bertiup kencang?

    1. I don't even know whether Anwar is really coming down on the next day.

  4. kalau betullah Lajim dan Bumburing berjuang untuk rakyat Sabah, kenapa tidak sertai saja parti tempatan seperti sapp atau star?? tidak ada peluang jadi TPM? atau KM Sabah?

    1. memang lah diorang tidak mahu kerja di bawah Yong atau JK sebab diorang pun kepingin mahu jadi KM sabah...kalau kerja di bawah PR sekurang-kurangnya ada peluang yang lebih besar untuk lobi jawatan tinggi seperti TPM atau KM...dalam BN diorang lama sudah tunggu tapi tidak juga sampai2...jadi merajuk dan keluar dari BN..agenda peribadi dipentingkan..

  5. Baguslah kalau itu kata daripada Presiden UPKO sendiri. Mungkin kes Bumburing ini tidak patut dicontohi.

    1. Mungkin betul apa yang diperkatakannya itu.

    2. Dah lar berlainan misi perjuangan, buat keputusan untuk keluar parti bukannya tindakan yang salah.

  6. The recent departure of Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin and Datuk Seri Wilfred Bumburing from the Barisan Nasional (BN) did not drastically change the political situation in the state, said a Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) leader.

    1. This is because the BN on the whole is very united and experienced in handling such matters, said PBS Pantai Manis Division chief Datuk Johnny Mositun.

    2. PBS itself will stay focused on matters at hand. Their departure is water under the bridge. Others will fill their places and BN will carry on from there.

    3. Stressing that PBS would stay the course and continue its struggle for Sabah’s future as a BN member, Mositun said the opposition was trying to create a perception that the BN government had failed the people of Sabah.

    4. The BN’s agenda is a realistic one, not inclined to gimmicks and ‘quick fix’ populist moves just because of pressure from the opposition.

    5. By way of explanation, Mositun said the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants was one such instance where the government had to adopt a careful and holistic approach because it was a serious, contentious and complicated matter.

    6. PBS has done its part and the Prime Minister has assured us the matter will be addressed. He will reveal the TOR (terms of reference) at his discretion, that is his prerogative. PBS will not pressure him or pre-empt his prerogative. PBS seeks no mileage from the matter, PBS only wants to see the problem of illegal immigrants resolved permanently, and it will be.

    7. Mositun added the BN government was aware of the dangers of racial polarization in the country and was taking positive steps to address the issue starting with efforts to redress the racial imbalance in the civil service and Armed Forces.

    8. In this context, PBS is of the view that the same principles should be adhered to in filling village and mukim level political posts. There must be a fair and equitable representation of BN component parties and ethnic balance when appointing such officials. This will strengthen BN solidarity at the grassroots level.

    9. Mositun advised the PBS branch chiefs and officials to be united, tolerant and transparent when conducting their branch AGMs and avoid action or utterance that could create friction among members that could be exploited by political rivals and foes.

    10. Memang tidak banyak impak langsung.

  7. yang pasti, BN sabah lebih kukuh dan mantap berbanding dengan parti2 pembangkang di sabah..

    1. Since the opposition party is unable to unite and cooperate during the GE-13, BN have higher chances to win majority. If a multi-cornered fight occurred, BN have all the advantages since their component parties are united. Just wait and see.

  8. Apa apa pun tunggu dan lihat.

  9. apabila ramai ahli politik yang melompat keluar parti, biarlah rakyat membuat pertimbangan yang baik lagi tepat untuk parti yang dipilih mereka

    1. Chief Minister said the action of the two leaders who quit their component parties in Barisan Nasional (BN) recently might be due to them having their own agenda. The people must learn how to analysis themselves as make the right choice during the next GE.

  10. parti-parti baru tumbuh seperti cendawan...

  11. mungkin ini hanyalah manipulasi pihak pembangkang demi kepentingan sendiri sahaja...

    1. ya, ada pihak yang sengaja memperbesarkan sesuatu pekara untuk kepentingan mereka.

    2. Susah untuk diramal, tiada pihak terfikir Lajim dan Bumbering juga keluar dari BN.

  12. whatever it is, let PRU13 determine the fate of these parties

  13. and hopefully people will make the right choice in PRU13

  14. mojigoh yang dikatakan akan sertai Bumburing pun dah nafikan dia akan keluar BN.

    1. itu hanya khabar angin saja. penafian sudah pun dibuat.

  15. UPKO akan terus berjuang bersama BN.

  16. ini menunjukkan UPKO masih lagi setia bersama BN.

  17. Kami menantikan perkembangan selanjutnya.

    1. Pasti rakyat akan sentiasa mengikut perkembangan politik Sabah

  18. Budaya lompat parti memang kebiasaan dalam politik.

    1. This is because there is no rules that prevent any political members to jump from one party to another. Jeffrey Kitingan is one of the most frequent party hopper in Malaysia political history. But can a frog be trusted? I'll leave it to the voters to decided.

  19. Hopefully no more UPKO members will be leaving the party following Datuk Wilfred Bumburing as promised by Datuk Bernard Dompok. Just wait and see.

  20. The defection of Lajim and Bumburing will not affect Sabah BN, especially in preparing for the coming general election said Musa Aman. He also said that this is because Sabah BN is on the right track in its struggles, particularly in looking after the well-being of the people and bringing development to the state.

    We should not focus too much on the decision of these leaders to leave the party.

  21. Lumrah politik. Ada saja MPs atau ahli2 yang lompat parti.
