Wednesday 8 August 2012



KOTA KINABALU : Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) Chairman, Datuk Seri Panglima Wilfred Bumburing clarified that his action in leaving BN-UPKO is not prompted any kind of personal agenda as alleged by certain quarters.

He also said that the action by certain Sabah State Barisan Nasional leaders in in their usage of derogatory names when referring to himself and Lajim smack of arrogance on their part and clearly showed their lack of professionalism as leaders of political party let alone leader of the State administration.

Bumburing said: “The reason behind my leaving BN and UPKO is not founded on personal agenda as alleged by certain State Barisan Nasional leaders. The agenda that we are pursuing are agendas that have been drawn by the people at large and affect the very texture of our society especially those in the rural areas and the bumiputras.

"Instead of starting their usual name-calling using derogatory words, the State Barisan Nasional leaders should examine how they addressed the very core issues that affect the people at large especially the natives and other bumiputras.

"Our agendas, the call for the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the influx of illegal immigrants and the extraordinary population increase in Sabah over the last 4 decades; equality for Sabah within the Federation instead of being label as the poorest State in the country; land for the landless and the Native Customary Rights especially natives who are trapped in areas designated under FMUs; equal opportunities in all fields, education, job opportunities and promotion in the civil service, for every citizen regardless of race, culture and religion; the call for an increase in petroleum royalty and respecting Sabah’s right as a sovereign state within the federation. 

"These are issues affecting Sabah and its people and which have never been positively addressed by the Barisan Nasional Government. The government must take immediate positive step to address the issues raised by us in APS instead of sweeping them under the carpet. Stop the name calling and start taking positive action.

“We are also very interested to follow up the reports revealed by an online blog http://www.sarawakreport which refers to certain Sabah State leaders. We will carry our own study and make the necessary report to the relevant authorities as soon as we are ready.”


  1. Banyak isu lagi menarik untuk diselesaikan. Biar saja Bumburing dengan parti barunya.

    1. Bumburing ada hala tuju dia sendiri, biarlah dia dgn hala tujunya.

    2. Now that Bumburing have already left the party, it is up to him to make this own move next. Whatever he does not is no longer BN's concern. Just let Bumburing face his own challenges.

  2. Pasti lepas ni kita akan dapat mengikuti perkembangan Bumburing dan partinya.

    1. It was said that Wilfred Bumburing have set up APS which aligned with the Pakatan Rakyat. Whether or not they can get enough supporters or not is still a mystery. We shall just wait and see.

  3. kononnya agenda mereka berkenaan dengan RCI, NCR dan FMU.. ketiga2 isu ini bukan baru 3 tahun berlaku.. kenapa di era pentadbiran Najib yang mengumumkan penubuhan RCI barulah mereka keluar parti?? kenapa bukan ketika era Mahathir yang tidak langsung berminat dengan RCI??

  4. yang peliknya, ketika ada tanda2 masalah itu akan diselesaikan barulah mereka keluar dari BN.. bagi alasan pun yang tidak relevant dengan situasi sebenar..

  5. kalau sudah sokong Pakatan, mestilah sokong Sarawak Report.. sebab laman web asing ini ditaja oleh Pakatan.. pemimpin2 pakatan terpaksa guna lidah asing untuk menyebarkan pembohongan di negara ini bagi mengelakkan dikenakan tindakan undang2 atau disekat..

    1. Sarawak report mmg media pakatan. kerana itu laporannya berat sebelah.

    2. The so-called facts from Sarawak Report cannot be trusted since they are unable to declare their sources of information, we cannot just take their word that the information are from 'trusted source'. Unless MACC is able to prove that Datuk Musa Aman is truly guilty in the allegations, these are only slander. Just wait for the authorities to make their investigation.

  6. Begitulah bila sudah menjadi pembangkang. Tidak hairan jika menyokong mana-mana pun.

    1. It doesn't matter which party they chose to support, once they're out of the party, what they do is no longer BN's concern. Just let them face their own challenges.

  7. Datuk Musa Aman said "If there are people not willing to be with us in BN anymore, we just let Luncai jump into the river with his pumpkin." Whatever Bumburing's motive to leave the party, it's his own decision.

    BN should not be overly concern about the defection of these leaders, just focus on facing the next GE.
