Tuesday, 14 August 2012


SUMBANGAN.....Dato Sri Nasir (kiri) diringi Saleha Abdul Wahid (dua kiri) menyampaikan bantuan kepada salah seorang kanak-kanak yatim (tengah) sempena Program Nur Hidayah Ramadhan di Lahad Datu.


LAHAD DATU: Menteri DiJabatan Ketua Menteri, Dato Sri Haji Nasir Tun Sakaran, mengingatkan rakyat negeri ini senantiasa menghargai nikmat kehidupan yang aman, makmur dan selamat di bawah kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) yang sentiasa prihatin membela nasib rakyat marhaen.

Katanya, tanpa keamanan sudah pasti rakyat sentiasa dalam ketakutan dan tidak berani keluar dari rumah apa lagi menghadiri majlis-majlis keraian atau menunaikan solat berjamaah di surau dan masjid.

Nasir menegaskan, kerajaan BN sentiasa peka dan prihatin membantu rakyat keseluruhannya tanpa memikirkan ideologi politik, kaum mahupun fahaman agama termasuk masyarakat di luar bandar yang sememangnya banyak memerlukan pembangunan infrastruktur dan pembangunan asas.

Beliau berkata demikian sempena menghadiri Program Nur Hidayah Ramadhan & Majlis Berbuka Puasa anjuran Majlis Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat (MPWKM) di Perumahan PPR Pangsapuri Mutiara Kasih dekat sini.

Hadirsama sempena majlis itu Ketua Pergerakan Wanita UMNO Parlimen Silam, Puan Saleha Abdul Wahid; Ketua Polis Daerah, Supt.Shamsudin Mat; Pemimpin Kemajuan Rakyat Dun Senallang Haji Tahir Amir; Ketua Daerah Semporna, OKK Musa Sabaani serta AJK Surau Perumahan PPR Pangsapuri Mutiara Kasih.

Sempena majlis itu Dato Sri Nasir menyampaikan bantuan kepada fakir miskin, anak yatim dan OKU.

Nasir berkata, penduduk juga perlu terus mengutamakan perpaduan kaum, persefahaman serta tidak berpecah belah sebaliknya sentiasa bermuafakat menyelesaikan apapun permasalahan demi keharmonian sesama penduduk di samping mengeratkan hubungan dengan kaum-kaum yang lain berlandaskan konsep 1Malaysia.

Selain itu juga, rakyat diingatkan tidak terpesona dengan janji-janji bulan dan bintang pembangkang yang hanya bermusim terutamanya apabila dekat pilihanraya dengan menjaja pelbagai isu semata-mata mau memesongkan pemikiran rakyat dan membenci kerajaan demi memenuhi agenda politik sempit mereka.


  1. Jangan sia-siakan keamanan yang telah kita kecapi ini. Sebaiknya jagalah sebaiknya boleh.

    1. sesungguhnya rakyat memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga keamanan negara..

    2. Jangan sokong pemimpin/ahli politik yang sering timbulkan isu2 sensitif seperti kaum dan agama.

  2. Dato Sri Haji Nasir Tun Sakaran said the government always paid attention to the people's needs regardless of the racial, religious or political ideologies.

  3. The people needs to remain united to protect the peace and harmony within the state. Don't be easily influenced by irresponsible parties that tries to affect the unity of the people by using racial and religious issues.

    1. yup.. and also don't be easily influenced by opposition who are always using them(rakyat) as their shield during demonstration.. don't ever involve in street demonstration..

  4. Negara sentiasa aman dibawah pentadbiran BN.. tapi bila dekat2 pilihanraya, banyak pula situasi tidak aman berlaku dalam negara ini disebabkan oleh pembangkang..

  5. Keamanan negara bukan dicapai semalam. Menjadi perbuatan sia2 jika berniat mahu menghancurkan keamanan negara.

    1. Memang bukan senang untuk capai keamanan dan perpaduan apalagi dalam negara yang pelbagai bangsa dan agama.

  6. keamanan yang kita kecapi harus kita nikmati dan kekalkan.

    1. Sama2 la kita kekalkan keamanan yang ada di Sabah

  7. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today urged all Malaysians and Muslims in the country to appreciate and realise that peace and harmony enjoyed today did not just come easy.

  8. In his Hari Raya Aidilfitri message, Najib said the government is aware that a developed nation like Malaysia must also be a safe and peaceful country.

  9. "We want a Malaysia that is peaceful and free from threats from within or from outside. Ensure the neighbourhood and streets are free from crime. A country where its people are safe and peaceful. A country where children can be brought up well," he said.

  10. To ensure peace and harmony, there must a united initiative from the people of Malaysia who are concerned and caring towards family, neighbours, friends and all Malaysians in general.

  11. "We cannot totally depend on the enforcement authorities to combat crime but rather be caring and contribute in any way possible to help the cause. If we allow crime to go on without taking any punitive action, it will actually endanger the country's peace and security," he said.


  12. In order to achieve the objective, the Prime Minister urged the people to change their mind-set and adopt the right frame of mind to enhance facilities needed to be strengthen security and enforcement.

  13. Najib said the government would ensure that all agencies responsible would be more effective and efficient in combating crime.

  14. "We are aware that new preventive measures are needed to combat new crimes, dynamic administrators, accountability, better structure in organisations, relevant training, modern equipments and facilities," he said. Najib said Muslims in the country are fortunate that they are living in a country that was continuously achieving success and growth although many countries are undergoing political unrest and economic crisis.

  15. "Today, we are witnessing all kinds of political turmoil in Asian and African countries. We can also see that even developed European countries and the United States are going through chronic economic crisis due to poor administration and management.


  16. "We are also witnessing the hardship faced by the people due to such failure and instability. As a result, unemployment rate has increased, economic growth has slowed down and the quality of life of these people have deteriorated," he said.

  17. However, even in the midst of such global uncertainty and financial crisis, Malaysia remains steadfast by enjoying good financial growth, peace and harmony as well as usher various festivals celebrated by the different races, reflecting unity in the country.

  18. "We have a unique tradition of celebrating so many festivals due to the many races, religion and culture which has indeed become a pillar of strength in the country's development and success," he said.

  19. The Prime Minister said Muslims must therefore respect and appreciate the sacrifices made by the uniformed bodies who ensure we continue to enjoy peace and harmony.

  20. Najib also urged Muslims to retain the 'Open House' tradition that has since become a unique feature in Malaysian culture.


  21. "On this joyous occasion, I, my wife and family would also like to take this opportunity to wish all Muslims 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri maaf zahir dan batin," he said
