Wednesday 8 August 2012


BADAN apa pun yang dibentuk, termasuk Suruhanjaya Siasatan Diraja (RCI) bagi menyiasat isu pendatang asing di Sabah dan Jawatankuasa Mengkaji Royalti Minyak Kelantan akan gagal sekiranya melibatkan Peguam Negara Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail, dakwa bekas Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Polis Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim.

Beliau menyuarakan kebimbangannya itu melaluinya surat 'peringatannya' kepada Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar hari ini.

Setelah penantian beberapa bulan, Datuk Seri Najib Razak pada 3 Ogos lalu berkata, beliau akan mengumumkan terma rujukan bagi RCI Sabah pada 11 Ogos di negeri di bawah bayu itu sendiri.

Manakala sebuah jawatankuasa khas bagi mengkaji isu royalti Kelantan pula diumumkan penubuhannya sehari selepas itu, bertujuan mengkaji tuntutan bayaran tunai hasil petroleum kepada negeri di Pantai Timur.

Dalam surat yang salinannya diperoleh Malaysiakini itu, Mat Zain mendakwa bahawa orang ramai muak dengan sikap Gani dalam mengendalikan RCI sebelum ini, antaranya berkaitan isu mata lebam Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dan VK Lingam.

Menyentuh isu RCI Sabah, Mat Zain mendakwa, biar apa pun terma rujukan yang diumumkan perdana menteri, rakyat tidak akan mendapat faedah kerana hasilnya akan tetap dirujuk kepada Gani.

"Begitu juga dengan rakyat Negeri Kelantan. Mereka juga saya jangka akan diperdayakan dan dihampakan," kata Mat Zain yang amat meragui kewibawaan Gani dalam surat lima muka surat itu.

Ini kerana, katanya, perdana menteri sudah pasti akan melibatkan Gani sekali dalam jawatankuasa itu.

Mat Zain antara bekas Pegawai Kanan Polis yang konsisten dan lantang mengkritik peguam negara atas dakwaan kes salah laku dan menuntut pembentukan sebuah tribunal untuk tujuan itu.


  1. gagal dari segi apa tu?? kalau Gani memihak kepada Anwar berkenaan dengan kes mata lebam beliau, barulah Gani ni boleh dipercayai?? kalau Gani memihak kepada Pakatan, barulah Gani ni boleh dipercayai?? itu bias sudah tu..

    1. Apa2 hal pun kita tengok tunggu dan lihat siapa2 barisan dalam RCI.

    2. I think Gani is well too said in this thing. I mean what his position is?

  2. atau Mat Zain sendiri sebenarnya mahu menggantikan tempat Gani?

    1. kemungkinan jugalah..apapun, Gani perlu menunjukkan beliau mampu dipercayai.

  3. Kegagalan Gani dalam membeberapa kes, akan meragukan kebolehan beliau.

    1. He's a lawyer and he speaks like no other than loyar buruk.

  4. Several Sabah leaders hailed the setting up of a royal commission of inquiry to probe the issue of illegal immigrants in the state. The positive feedback for the setting up of the RCI, announced earlier today by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, came from Sabah Umno, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Organisation (UPKO) and Sabah MIC.

    1. Yes, RCI is deemed important for Sabah. And I have seen in FB as well saying that Chua Soi Lek is indeed underestimating us.

  5. Sabah Umno deputy liaison chief Datuk Seri Salleh Said said it showed the government's seriousness in wanting to solve the perennial illegal immigrant problem once and for all. He hoped that every section of society in the state would be very happy with this announcement and Sabahans will accept the decision with an open heart.

  6. Salleh, who is Sabah State Legislative Assembly Speaker, said he hoped that the establishment of the RCI would not be turned into a political issue or politicised by questioning matters pertaining to details such as the RCI terms of reference and so on. He opined that time should be given and ample opportunity for the RCI committee to carry out its investigations or duties.

  7. BS secretary-general Datuk Henrynus Amin said he saw no reason why the people would not support the Barisan Nasional (BN) after this announcement by the prime minister. UPKO secretary-general Datuk Wilfred Madius Tangau said that in order to achieve the government objective of upholding the rule of law and the supremacy of the federal constitution, the members of the RCI must be people with calibre, having the kind of credentials that reflect integrity and credibility.

  8. The RCI terms of reference must be comprehensive enough to cover investigation of burning issues and pertinent questions such as the extraordinary increase in the population of Sabah. On both points, the input by component parties of the Barisan Nasional must be seriously taken into account in the formulation of the RCI terms of reference and composition of the membership.

  9. Sabah MIC liaison chairman Datuk V. Jothi called on the people to rally behind the BN government and have confidence in the BN to find a lasting solution to the illegal immigrant problem. Although it is long overdue, it is better late than never.Jothi said the federal government's decision was in line with the aspirations of the 1Malaysia concept which prioritises the needs of the people.

  10. Tidak perlulah takut dengan Gani. RCI tetap juga akan dilaksanakan. Itu adalah perkara perlu untuk menyiasat mengenai Projek IC.

    1. memang perlu dilaksanakan dan wajib dilaksanakan...sebab kalau tidak, kemarahan rakyat mungkin akan memuncak dan meletup...sekiranya ini berlaku, ianya tidak baik untuk kerajaan..

    2. dah lewat nak bertindak. nak lucuthak kerakyatan 600,000+ orang bukan mudah, ini bukan sahaja isu dalam tapi melibatkan antarabangsa..UN eye on you. kalau kerajaan dapat buat wa memang respek.

    3. Yeah Najib will be coming to Sabah tomorrow. Let's wait and see.

  11. najib tidak perlu takut untuk menubuhkan RCI di sabah...

  12. pihak kerajaan harus dengar rintihan/suara rakyat

  13. semoga kerajaan akan mempertimbangkan perkara ini sedalam-dalamnya

  14. sememangnya penubuhan RCI ini permintaan rakyat dari dulu lagi

  15. harap impian rakyat Sabah tercapai jua nanti...

  16. ahli panel TOR untuk RCI ini haruslah dipilih secara adil

  17. Penubuhan RCI amatlah penting buat Sabah dan bukan itu saja orang yang melaksanakan RCI ini nanti juga teramatlah penting.

    1. ya, RCI memang penting dan harap isu pati akan berjaya diatasi.

  18. Semoga kita akan dengar berita baik dari Najib pasal RCI nanti.

  19. belum tau lagi siapa akan terlibat dalam RCI nnti.

  20. pastikan panel RCI adalah mereka yang bebas dan adil.

    1. The government has appointed Former High Court judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim to lead the RCI panel, I'm sure his integrity and fair judgement can be guaranteed. We shall let him do his best in leading the RCI towards investigating the Project IC issue in Sabah, all the best.

  21. RCI nak ditubuhkan, pembangkang mula cari isu untuk dimanipulasikan.

    1. ya, pembangkang hanya sengaja untuk mencari isu.

    2. Hopefully the opposition will not try to affect the Prime Minister's decision to form the RCI in Sabah like what Dr Mahathir tried to do. We need the RCI for the Project IC problems in the state.

    3. Pembangkang akan berusaha mengagalkan RCI

  22. RCI is and will be done soon.

    1. The government have announced the members of the RCI panel as well as the leader of the panel- Steve Shim. Now we will wait for the reveal of the Terms of Reference and the official announcement of the implementation of RCI.

  23. PM sudah pun umumkan panel yang dilantik untuk RCI. harap mereka akan menunaikan tugas dengan baik.

    1. The RCI panel announced by the Prime Minister recently will involved former Universiti Malaysia Sabah vice chancellor Datuk Dr Kamaruzaman Ampon , former Sabah Attorney General Tan Sri Herman Luping , former Kuala Lumpur police chief Datuk Henry Chin and former State Secretary Datuk KY Mustafa. It will be lead by Former High Court judge of Sabah and Sarawak Tan Sri Steve Shim.

      Hopefully they will do their best to investigate the Project IC issue in the state, we shall wait for the official announcement of the implementation of the RCI.

  24. Hopefully the Special Taskforce announced by the Federal government to investigate the Oil Royalties issue in Kelantan will help return the oil rights of the Kelantanese. We shall wait and see how it goes.

  25. Panel2 yang dilantik perlu bertanggungjawab dalam tugasan mereka.
